

Lucy Loader (b.1990, UK) is an artist, working in Southampton specialising in moving image and installation. 


Royal College of Art, MA Contemporary Art Practice – Moving Image  2016 – 2018

Kingston School of Art, BA Fine Art, 2009 – 2012

Foundation Diploma, Bournemouth Arts Institute, 2008 -2009 

Exhibitions & Selected Screenings

CIRCA X Dazed Class of 2021, London’s Piccadilly Lights,  Seoul’s Coex K-POP Square, Tokyo’s Yunika Vision, Shinjuku, 2021 

Transmission Pit, Lancaster Vault, Southampton, 2018

ArtGIG, AND Event Space, London, 2018

The Lucian Freud Cave Rescue, Flying Dutchman, London, 2018

Royal College of Art Degree Show, London, 2018

SoapBox, Close up Cinema, London, 2018

Cap-beret, Shorts screening,  Gorvy Lecture Theatre, London 2018

Work in Progress Show, Royal College of Art, London 2017